Our Clubs
Central Tasmania Rifle Club
The club (CTASRC) is based at the Campbell Town Range and shoots rimfire and centrefire from 100 yards to 1200 yards using electronic targets.
The club caters for all levels of experience and full training is given to novice shooters.
The club shoots most weekends on Sunday and shoots mainly longer ranges.
The Campbell Town range has excellent clubhouse facilities.
Contact email: centraltasmaniarifleclub@gmail.com
Contact mobile: Paul 0450 562 896
Launceston VDC Rifle Club
The club shoots at Westbury Range most Saturdays. The range has firing points from 300 to 600 yards. The club also shoots longer ranges at the Campbell Town Range once a month.
Contact email: v.d.c.rifleclub8@gmail.com
Contact mobile: Steve 0418 133 346
Smithton Rifle Club
Smithton Rifle Club is based in Smithton, in northern Tasmania with a range at 100, Rifle Range Road, Smithton. The range has firing points from 100 to 700 yards, and caters for shooting both rimfire and full-bore, including Target Rifle, F class and Hunter Varmint.
The club meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month and weekly during daylight saving time, events are notified earlier in the week.
Website: www.smithtonrifleclub.org
Contact: David 0427 594 255
Strahan Rifle Club
Strahan Rifle Club was established 1898.
The Range is located at the end of Fetherstone Street, Strahan with a well equipped club house on the range with camping available.
The club shoots centerfire and rimfire from 100 to 1200 yards and the range has 2 Shotmarker electronic targets and 3 manual targets.
The club shoots most weekends, weather permitting.
Contact: Kerry 0419384199 or Guy 0417577719